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2016 Guidelines for Presenting Artists
2016 Guidelines as a Participant in Classes, Workshops, and Labs
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Participation Guidelines to Attend Performática

Performática: Foro Internacional de Danza Contemporánea y Artes de Movimiento will take place from April 17th to the 23th, 2016. The event will be lodged in the Fundación Universidad de las Américas Puebla, and surrounding areas in the city of Cholula, Puebla, México.

Performática 2016 has three main areas of activity: Workshop, Performance, and Laboratory. The goal of this forum is the facilitation of engaged dialogue and collaboration between artists of all media with an interest in reflecting on the basic importance of their relationship to the movement arts.

About the ways in which you may participate in Performática 2016

Participation in Performática is free for everyone, never-the-less, due to space and safety concerns, as well as to support the depth of interaction and encourage a richer exchange in this year's event, we must limit participation for workshops and laboratories. To participate in labs and workshops you must apply for a space and be selected before you will be able to register. We acknowledge that this idea may seem exclusive, but we are choosing this approach in order to conserve diversity and address the above mentioned concerns. We are hoping to gather a varied group embodying different histories with the movement arts, general aesthetic interests, and socio-cultural backgrounds.

Because of these limitations, there exist two modes in which you can participate in Performática 2016:

  1. As a participant in workshops and laboratories.
  2. Attending performances, parties, and gatherings which do not require a previous application. (For more information on performances and schedules please check back for the final programming calendar at the end of February 2016).
About Participation in Workshops and Laboratories

Submitting an application to participate in workshops and labs, implies that you are committed to attend the entire event April 17th through 23th, 2016. Once selected you may register for available spots in workshops and laboratories.

Workshops and Labs are structured in 3 blocks. 2 workshop blocks in the morning and 1 lab block in the afternoon. You may register in 1 workshop per block and 1 lab per block. In regards to the labs – each one will meet two days during the week, you are expected to attend the two sessions per lab. Workshops and Labs will be co-facilitated by more than 50 guest artists from México, USA, Belgium, Italy, Costa Rica, Germany, France and Ecuador. These artists were selected through an application process which took place from September thru December 2015 by an external selecting committee.

Conditions for Participation

In order to optimize the potential of the gathering, to participate in the labs and workshops of Performática 2016 applicants must be able to commit to attending the entire forum (7 days and 6 nights. Sunday afternoon through-Saturday evening).

What We Can Offer For participants who are selected we offer:
  • Learning and Performance Opportunities.
  • Access to the labs, workshops, performances, and discussions.
  • A supportive environment for formal and informal exchange.
What We Cannot Offer

Stipends (financial assistance) for transportation, housing, performing, etc. Should you have any questions about matters relating to your participation - please get in touch with the Performática team though the contact page.

Page last updated June 22, 2017 at 07:47